Assess, Eval & Org Improve

This course introduces candidates to the field of program evaluation. Candidates will review evaluation approaches; examine political and interpersonal relationships with key stakeholders; study methods of data collection and analysis; and review strategies for reporting results. The course also explores the nature of the relationship between an organization's vision, mission, and goals; strategic planning process; and specific program outcome measures.

Through the course, candidates will develop a methods chapter for the dissertation, meeting the requirements for: a) the dissertation milestone and b) the requirements of Part II of the Comprehensive Exam: Research Design and Methodology.

Candidates accepted into the SDL Advanced Certificate program will be required to focus their course projects on the evaluation of district-level initiatives related to curriculum, instruction, assessment, and/or organizational improvement approaches at the P-12 district-level.

ZRES - Student Research Component
restrictionsRestrictions: Including: -Major: Executive Leadership