
Students are able to explore career opportunities and gain practical experience through an approved work experience in a local, regional or nationally recognized sport-oriented business or organization. The College's internship policy applies, with additional requirements and responsibilities to be determined in consultation with the Director of Experiential Learning and Outreach. A minimum of 400 hours is required for the internship. As a result of the extensive commitment of time expected to be made, the course is offered in the summer as well as the fall/spring semesters.

The process begins by first having a meeting with the Director of Experiential Learning and Outreach. A Letter of Proposal is then prepared by the student before a decision is rendered. A minimum of 400 hours is expected to be invested along with the completion of two (2) evaluations, written papers and other specific assignments relating to the practicum placement.

Permission of the department chair is required.

NLIB - Non Liberal Arts Elective
W - Online Summer UG Courses
ZCAP - Senior Capstone
restrictionsRestrictions: Including: -Major: Sport Management -Class: Junior, Senior
prerequisite requiredPrerequisites: SPST-390 D-