
Summer 2020 Topics

GMGT 671 Section 51 Better Thinking
How many times have you heard that critical thinking is an important life skill, or professional skill? Here is a class that is entirely devoted to teach you how to think about your thinking. We explore how to be able to cut through false facts (fake news?), misleading numbers, and all the other intentional (and unintentional) methods that exist to prevent you from clearly stating a problem and arriving at a logical conclusion. You learn about many of the biases in your thinking that many of us share and how we can neutralize and overcome these biases - we are fighting thousands and even millions of years of evolution on this one. In the end, you gain an enhanced ability to effectively interact with your personal and professional environment.

GMGT 671 Section 50 Entrepreneurship & Innovation
This course is focused on understanding the organizational implications of a very important activity of the firm; i.e., learning and innovating. Students explore the concepts and methods used to identify and explore the opportunities and to assume the risk(s) for new ventures both greenfield and intrapreneurial. Students use creative problem solving processes to find, define, solve and plan for implementation of issues surrounding real business opportunities. Students also evaluate business plans, business start-up failures, and develop elements of a business plan.

TGMB - Management (MBA)
W - Online Summer UG Courses
restrictionsRestrictions: Including: -Level: Graduate